Operation Transformation
Operation Transformation is a National Health and Fitness Initiative run annually on RTE in conjunction with Sport Ireland. Each year the Local Sports Partnerships help people get active by holding a series of Operation Transformation walks. Keep an eye on this page for more updates! https://ot.rte.ie/
The Operation Transformation Series on RTE1 is now in its 13th year and it has been a fantastic success, widely regarded as the best health and fitness show in Ireland. The show is not only about the five lucky Leaders selected each year, but for the thousands of people who follow their progress over the 8 weeks and beyond and the various communities who get involved in the process highlighting positive lifestyle changes to fitness and health amongst their community.
Sport Ireland has linked up with Operation Transformation over the last number of years to roll out a number of events and initiatives to get people more active and healthy across the country. These events and initiatives are organised and supported locally in Mayo by the Mayo Sports Partnership.
Since 2012, the Mayo Sports Partnership have organised National Operation Transformation Walks for Mayo every January with well over 1000 attending the event each year.
Each year Mayo Sports Partnership seeks Expressions of Interest from Community Groups to host a community walk for Operation Transformation with further support to setting up a Community walking group in the Spring Summer.
How can I get involved?
To find out where and when contact our Sports Development Officer Deirdre Donnelly at 094 9064362 or email dedonnelly@mayococo.ie