Substaintí Contúirteacha
Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Licencing)
Mayo Fire Service is responsible for the licensing of Flammable Liquids and Fuels at retail stores, kerbside retail stores for the purposes of sale or supply to the public, and Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores for the following purposes: (a) For supply or sale to commercial enterprises; (b) For supply to the licensee’s own vehicles; or (c) for use in any engine under the licensee’s control.
Leachtaí agus Breoslaí Inlasta
Flammable liquids and fuels include the following;
- Category I (Petrol)
- Category II (Kerosene / Paraffin)
- Category III (Diesel / DERV / Central Home Heating Oil)
- Electricity
- Hydrogen
- Biofuels
- Synthetic and Paraffinic fuels
- Natural gas, including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (“CNG”)
- Liquefied petroleum gas (“LPG”)
- Liquefied natural gas (“LNG”)
Mayo County Fire Service inspects and licenses Flammable Liquids and Fuels for Retail, Kerbside Retail, Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores under the following legislation
- Dangerous Substances Act 1972 (DSA 1972) -
- Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Retail Stores) Regulations, 2019. S.I. 630 of 2019 -
- Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores) Regulations, 2019. S.I. 631 of 2019 -
Oibleagáidí Ceadúnaithe le haghaidh Leachtaí agus Breoslaí Inlasta
Under the new regulations Retail, Kerbside Retail, Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores which did not previously require a licence (e.g. diesel only), operators storing flammable liquids for use in company vehicles, or distributing flammable liquids must have a licence to operate granted by the appropriate licensing authority.
The above regulations repeal and replace the Dangerous Substances (Retail and Private Petroleum Stores) Regulations, 1979 (S.I. No. 311 of 1979) and the Dangerous Substances (Petroleum Bulk Stores) Regulations, 1979 (S.I. No. 313 of 1979).
Siopaí Miondíola Cois Cosáin
Mayo County Council issues licences under the Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Retail Stores) Regulations, 2019. S.I. 630 of 2019.
These Regulations apply to the storage and handling of flammable liquids and fuels stored at a retail store or a kerbside retail store for the purposes of sale or supply to the public.
Kerbside Retail Stores
A Kerbside Retail Store means a retail store, premises or location where:
(a) flammable liquids and fuels are stored for the purposes of sale or supply to the public and are dispensed to vehicles that are parked on a public road, whether the dispensing equipment is located on a public footpath or otherwise,
(b) the vehicle from which flammable liquids and fuels are transferred to the store is parked on a public road.
Kerbside retail store must comply with the appropriate requirements of these Regulations and obtain a valid Certificate of Operation from a licensing authority.
Retail stores
A Retail Store means a place or premises used or intended to be used for the keeping for sale or supply to the public under a licence flammable liquids and fuels for use in the propulsion of a vehicle or the running of an engine of any kind.
Retail stores which store flammable liquids and fuels for the purposes of sale or supply to the public must have a licence to operate granted by the appropriate licensing authority.
Application Forms
Application forms for Retail and Kerbside Retail Stores are available on request from Mayo Fire Service, or alternatively application forms and further information can be found here.
Local Authorities charge a fee for licences under the Dangerous Substances Act. The Fees charged are included in the application form.
Dáileadh agus Siopaí Tráchtála
Mayo County Council issues licences under the Dangerous Substances (Flammable Liquids and Fuels Distribution and Commercial Supply Stores) Regulations, 2019. S.I. 631 of 2019.
Stores within the scope of these Regulations must have a licence
These Regulations apply to stores which hold flammable liquids and fuels for the following purposes:
(a) For supply or sale to commercial enterprises;
(b) For supply to the licensee’s own vehicles; or
(c) for use in any engine under the licensee’s control
Application Forms
Application forms for Retail and Kerbside Retail Stores are available on request from Mayo Fire Service, or alternatively application forms and further information can be found here.
Local Authorities charge a fee for licences under the Dangerous Substances Act. The Fees charged are included in the application form.
Seachadtaí faoi Smacht an Tiománaí
Previous regulations required petrol storage operators to supervise all fuel deliveries. Deliveries without the presence of an authorised person, were only possible subject to an exemption.
Under the new regulations the appropriate licensing authority can allow deliveries under the control of the road tanker driver only, provided the appropriate requirements are met.
An application form and application requirements for Driver Controlled Deliveries may be found here
Aisghabháil Gaile Peitril (Céim Ib agus Céim II)
Mayo County Council also has a role in relation to the monitoring of volatile organic compounds (V.O.C.’s) emissions at petrol stations under the following Legislation;
Stage I Petrol Vapour Recovery
- Air Pollution Act (Petroleum Vapour Emissions) Regulations 1997. (S.I. No. 375 of 1997).
Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery
- European Union (Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery During Refuelling of Motor Vehicles at Service Stations) Regulations 2011. (S.I. No. 687 of 2011)
Petrol Vapour Recovery Requirements
If you are an owner/operator of a Retail and Kerbside Retail Store you are obliged to ensure that your facility is so designed and operated in accordance with the above Regulations
The objective of the regulations is to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) into the atmosphere from vehicle re-fuelling activities at service stations, in order to reduce the adverse impact of VOC on human health and the environment.
To meet the requirements of the regulations a Service Station owner/operator is obliged to appoint an approved assessor who will carry out tests on their petrol station and submit a report and fee to Mayo Fire Service. If the Authority is satisfied with the report it will issue a certificate of testing/certificates of installation in accordance with the above Regulations.
Certificates of testing (for Stage Ib and Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery) last a maximum of three years and need renewal on expiry. Certificates of Installation apply to new Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery Installations only.
Application Forms
Approved Assessor Report/Application forms for Stage Ib and Stage II Petrol Vapour Recovery are available on request from Mayo Fire Service, or alternatively application forms and further information can be found here.
Local Authorities charge a fee for licences under the above Regulations. The Fees charged are €63.50 for Certificates of Testing and Certificates of Installation respectively. Details are included in the “Guidance Notes for the Applicant” on the Application Form.
- Published: 07/09/2020 Driver-Controlled-Deliveries-Application-Form.pdf (73.24 KB)
- Published: 07/09/2020 Flammable-Liquids-and-Fuels-Distribution-and-Commercial-Supply-Stores-Applicaton-Form.pdf (412.97 KB)
- Published: 07/09/2020 Flammable-Liquids-and-Fuels-Retail-Stores-Application-Form.pdf (419.68 KB)
- Published: 07/09/2020 Vapour-Recovery-Application-Form.pdf (295.24 KB)