Oidhreacht Ailtireachta
For information on any of the 8000 plus archaeological monuments and sites in Mayo the best place to start is archaeology.ie, the website of the National Monuments Service of the Department of Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG).
Click into the Archaeological Survey Database under ‘Where are the Monuments?’ (bottom left of screen) and you will access their Historic Environment Map Viewer.
The red dots represent all recorded archaeological sites (pre 1700) and blue dots are the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage records (mainly post 1700 sites). Click onto any one of these dots for further information.
See also www.excavations.ie for excavation reports.
Carrying out works at or within the vicinity of an Archaeological Monument or Site
Under the National Monuments Acts (1930 – 1994) it is the requirement of owners and occupiers to inform the Minister two months in advance, of their intention to carry out any works to or within the vicinity of a National Monument. ALL applications should be sent to:-
National Monuments Service
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Room G50
Custom House
Dublin 1Email: nationalmonuments@ahg.gov.ie , Phone: +353 (0)1 888 2178, www.archaeology.ie