Meetings of Mayo County Council
You can now view Mayo County Council meeting agendas online. The agendas include associated documentation.
You will require Microsoft Word or a Microsoft Word Compatible Reader and Adobe Reader (Version 5 or higher) to view associated documentation.
eAgenda - Electronic Agenda System
Members of the public are welcome to attend the monthly meeting of Mayo County Council, and the monthly meetings of the four municipal districts within County Mayo. To comply with current COVID-19 best practice guidance, these meetings currently being held online only. If you would like to remotely attend a particular meeting, please follow the steps outlined below:
To be dialled in as a remote attendee at a meeting you have an interest in, please email the relevant meetings administrator with your name, phone number and the date and name of the meeting that you wish to attend.
Please note that you will gain access to the meeting audio only as members of the public cannot address meetings. Upon approval, you will be manually dialled into the meeting before it commences:
Mayo County Council Monthly Meeting:
Ballina Municipal District Meeting:
Castlebar Municipal District Meeting:
Claremorris Swinford Municipal District Meeting:
Westport Belmullet Municipal District Meeting:
Please note, by sending this email request you consent to the following:
- Mayo County Council obtaining and processing your data for the purpose of admitting you to the meeting only.
- The number you provide will be on display for councillors and Mayo County Council staff members to view while the meeting is live.
- You must remain on mute for the duration of the meeting. Should you unmute at any time, you may be removed from the meeting.
- Should you not answer the call/ dial in request prior to the meeting, you will no longer be considered as an attendee and will not gain access to the meeting.