Waste Facilities
Waste Facility Permits
Under the Waste Management Regulations, Mayo County Council has a responsibility to issue waste facility permits or certificates of registration to applicants who wish to engage in waste recovery or recycling activities at designated sites in Mayo. Waste facilities in Mayo which are not regulated by Mayo County Council are licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
It is deemed an offence to deposit or accept waste materials at a facility which does not have a local authority permit or an EPA licence.
If you are using a facility to deposit or recover waste or recyclable goods, ensure that the waste facility holds a current waste facility permit, certificate of registration or waste license which authorises the acceptance of waste.
- The EPA Licenced Facilities Register is available at www.epa.ie
- The Local Authority Waste Facilities Register is available at facilityregister.nwcpo.ie/
To apply for a Waste Facility Permit or Certificate of Registration please click here.
For further details on waste facility permits or certificates of registration please contact the Environment Section at 094 – 9024444.
Planning permission must be obtained in advance of a waste permit being issued.
Each waste type is given a code called a List of Waste (LoW) code. A full list is available here.