Project Description
The proposed road development includes the realignment of 1.8km of the N26 at Cloongullane, approximately 3.4km north-west of Swinford. The project crosses the River Moy Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
The proposed road development includes the following;
1.8km of Type 2 Single Carriageway road (predominantly offline).
A new clear span bridge crossing of the River Moy (Downstream of the existing bridge)
Culvert over the Pollsharvoge River
Culvert over the Swinford River
Local road realignments
Accommodation works/farm accesses
Current Project Phase
The project is currently at Phase 5 (Advance Works, Tender & Award) of the TII Project Management Guidelines. It is proposed to go to tender in Q2 2020 with site works to commence thereafter in Q3 2020.
The route corridors shown on this map are for general location purposes only. They are approximate and do not represent the actual design.