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Digital Strategy 2021-2024

A Digital Strategy for County Mayo 2021 to 2024

Why develop a Digital Strategy for Mayo?

Mayo County Council is in the process of developing its second digital strategy to run from 2021 to 2024. It will help transform the way we do business, interact and communicate and become more productive and creative through the use of digital. There is also a requirement from Government for all local authorities to develop and implement a local digital strategy to ensure that all citizens, businesses, community stakeholders and partner agencies are engaged and afforded the opportunity to influence how the local digital landscape and strategy shapes up to meeting their needs into the future. The key themes contained in all local digital strategies will include objectives and actions around:  

  1. Digital Economy (e-commerce, e-skills, ICT systems, innovation facilities & services)
  2. Digital Infrastructure (broadband, telecoms, connected facilities)
  3. Digital Skills (In business, the public sector, community)
  4. Digital Society (Smart Communities / Citizens)

The Strategy will set out an overall vision for the County outlining a number of core objectives, priorities and actions over the short, medium and long term. 

Importance of digital strategy 

Digital is becoming a critical enabler of competitiveness, productivity, inclusiveness and sustainability for all organisations and regions. Like many regions, Mayo has a number of dynamics and challenges, including a mix of urban and rural population, patchy broadband provision, skills deficits and an enterprise base dominated by traditional and mature industry sectors.

The importance of access to high speed broadband services in both urban and rural locations has been well documented in recent years. Mayo County Council is committed to facilitating the rollout of the NBP and recognises the vital role broadband will play in economic and social development. In line with the NBP deliverables, Mayo County Council is developing this digital strategy to maximise the opportunities of digital transformation for the benefit of our society and economy, ensuring that Mayo is among the best places to live, work, invest or visit.

As digital infrastructure continues to grow, it empowers communities and citizens through the provision of online information, resources, and services offered by local authorities and state agencies and the charitable/non-for-profit sector. It is crucial that Mayo plays its part by encouraging and facilitating citizens to do more with digital. The strategy will create awareness and connections to training and supports for businesses and citizens to reduce the skills gap and encourage more young people into digital careers. 

Submissions for the Digital Strategy have now closed

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