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Dog Warden

Dog Licence

Owning a dog, also means owning a licence, we ask that you abide by this as all dogs over four months old are legally required to be licenced. Puppies under four months should still be kept with their mother and do not need a licence until they are over four months old and separated from her. 

All puppies must be microchipped and registered. Purchasers should not buy or accept a dog without a certificate of registration. If taking ownership of a dog it must have a Microchip Certificate of Registration completed with the new owner’s details and sent to the appropriate database for re- registration. 

Apply for a Dog Licence here


  • Dog Identification

    Dogs must always wear a collar, and it is required that the collar displays the owner’s contacts details inscribed on it or on a plate, badge or disc.  

    Should your dog go missing, having “microchipped” on the collar or disc is useful – but only include it if your dog has been microchipped. 

  • What are the types of dog licences and their costs?
    • Individual Dog Licence (renew annually) - €20.00 
    • Lifetime Dog Licence (duration of the life of the dog) - €140.00 
    • General Dog Licence entitling a person to keep an unspecified number of dogs at a premise specified in the licence - €400 
  • How can I pay for my dog licence? 
    • Individual and Lifetime Dog Licences may be purchased HERE 
    • In person from your local Post Office 
    • General Licences can be purchased in the Vets Department of Mayo County Council, Aras an Chontae, Castlebar 
  • Microchipping

    Microchipping of dogs brings a range of benefits which includes reuniting dogs with their owners. In Ireland, there are four approved databases:  

    • Fido 
    • Animark 
    • Irish Kennel Club  
    • The Irish Coursing Club (Micro Dog ID) 

    The dog owner should have their contact details registered on a Government approved database and have a microchip Certificate of Registration to prove it.  

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