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New Books Just In!

Date: 26-03-2021

In the excellent Light Perpetual, Francis Spufford takes a German wartime rocket which hits a Woolworths in London, killing five children. Having set the scene, he immediately reimagines it – the rocket doesn’t hit Woolworths after all, and the five children grow up in the post-war city. We follow them for sixty-five years – always very conscious of the fact that their existence hangs on the vagaries of chance. Jo and Valerie, Alec, Ben and Vernon go on to live very different lives – and Spufford’s glorious talent for story-telling and character development results in the kind of book you don’t want to put down. When you absolutely have to put it down, you’ll find yourself plotting how quickly you can feasibly get back to it. In the current circumstances, those kind of books are pure gold, in our humble opinion. Castlebar Library Book Club loved Spufford’s Golden Hill, awarding it four stars out of five in 2017. #LoveBooks #LoveReading


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