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Mayo Day 2020

In 2020 Mayo Day went Virtual across and our social media platforms on Saturday, May 2nd. The highlight event of Mayo Day was Mayo Day Live - Global Voices, presented by Liam Horan and Louise Duffy, a live broadcast that was mix of chat, interviews, music and messages of hope and solidarity for a special Mayo Day from well-known people from Mayo and those who love Co. Mayo.

Our Mayo Day website hosted many features such as the 'Minute For Mayo', Mayo Day Food and Craft exhibition, the Mayo places bucket list, 'Mayo Landscape: Artists View' from Ballinglen Arts Foundation, The Great Mayo Day Quiz, Mayo Writers - Global Reach and further fantastic music and dance performances amongst many other great offerings throughout the weekend.

A particular highlight of the day was the launch of Ocean's Apart, a poignant and beautiful short film depicting how emigration and Covid-19 restrictions affect Irish families and friendships. The short film was a spiritual follow up to the 'Our Day' video, released for Mayo Day in 2017.

Check out our live show and some of the video highlights of the day below.

Mayo Day 2020

Mayo Day Live - Global Voices

Mayo Day Live - Global Voices, presented by Liam Horan and Louise Duffy, a live broadcast that was mix of chat, interviews, music and messages of hope and solidarity for a special Mayo Day

Oceans Apart

Oceans Apart

A poignant and beautiful short film for Mayo Day​ depicting how emigration and Covid-19 restrictions affect Irish families and friendships.

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