Art Focussed Disability Equality Training
Date: 11-08-2020
Mayo County Council’s Arts Service is pleased to announce the presentation of two arts focussed Disability Equality Training sessions. The sessions will take place on:
Tuesday 8th September at the Linenhall Arts Centre, Castlebar & Wednesday 9th September at Ballina Arts Centre, Ballina.
Each session will run from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Booking essential as spaces limited.
Damien O’Connor, Arts & Disability Coordinator, Mayo County Council will be delivering training which is aimed at artists with a particular interest in working in the area of Arts and Disability.
The sessions will focus on:
Issues relating to people with disabilities from an equality perspective, definitions, models, language media portrayal and relevant legislation. Barriers to inclusion, inclusive arts practice, meeting access requirements and engaging effectively with people with disabilities in an arts context.
We are offering 10 places on each session for Mayo artists. Places are free and will be awarded on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in participating on either of the sessions, please book via email by Wednesday 2nd September.
Email: with you Name, Number, Email, Art form and which session you would like to attend. Please note Damien is in this office on a Tuesdays and Wednesday’s only.
This event is strategically funded by Mayo County Council in partnership with the Arts Council and Creative Ireland