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Corporate Governance

Property Portfolio & Asset Management

The Property Portfolio & Asset Management Section manages Mayo County Council’s non-residential property assets, including land and buildings.

It is important that we hold and manage property to carry out our functions and provide for the diverse and evolving needs of our local communities - now and into the future. These needs include land for housing, road and other infrastructure schemes, enterprise development, town and village renewal, recreation and amenity, libraries, council offices, fire stations, depots, graveyards and space for climate action measures such as flood risk protection etc. 

Over the decades land has been acquired through purchase, transferred from other state bodies or gifted to the Council. 

Some of our land may be available to lease on a short-term or longer-term basis, or to purchase, depending on our own short, medium and long-term needs for the performance of our duties, and the nature of the proposed use.   

Examples include leasing land for grazing, leasing buildings to community groups or for enterprise. Any sale or lease over 12 months is subject to a process including elected member approval (known as a Section 183). 

All residential (housing) property is managed by the Housing Section 


We are available at:  

Property Portfolio & Asset Management Services 

Mayo County Council  
Áras an Chontae  
Co Mayo F23 WF90  
Telephone: (094) 9064000 


Our offices are open between 9.00 am and 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.   

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