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Governance and Democracy

Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in city and county councils whose membership includes elected councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members. 

It is the task of the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), as committees of the council, to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy. They have no remit in relation to routine operational matters regarding the delivery of services. 

The SPC system is intended to give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.

The chairperson of each committee is appointed by the local authority while the sectoral interests are nominated by their organisation/group.

Mayo County Council has six Strategic Policy Committees:

Committee Name Councillor Members Other Members

Cllr J. Cribbin (Chair)

Cllr. B. Mulroy

Cllr. P. O’Brien

Cllr. J. Caulfield

Cllr. C. Hyland

Cllr. M. Kilcoyne

Cllr. N. Cruise

Business: Kevin Kirrane

Trade Union: Donna Hyland

Social Inclusion PPN: Leanne Barrett

and Edith Geraghty

Corporate, Education,

Culture, Heritage

and Library Services

Cllr. Gerry Coyle (Chair)

Cllr. M. Smyth

Cllr. M. Burke

Cllr M. Loftus

Cllr. D. Sheridan

Cllr. B.K. Gavin

Cllr. G. Murray

Trade Union: Tony Deffely

Social Inclusion PPN: Austin F. O’Malley

Community/Voluntary PPN: Liam Alex Heffron

Business: Terry Reilly

Roads and


Cllr. D. Ryan (Chair)

Cllr. N. Cruise

Cllr A.M. Reape

Cllr. C. Burke

Cllr. S. Weir

Cllr. R. Finn

Cllr. J. O’Malley

Business: Cliona Boland

Trade Union: Eddie Lavelle

Environment: Michael McGrath

Development/Construction: Trevor Wills

Economic Development,

Enterprise Support,


and Marine

Cllr. M. Duffy (Chair)

Cllr. A. McDonnell

Cllr. M. McLoughlin

Cllr. G. Deere

Cllr J. Munnelly

Cllr. P. McNamara

Cllr. N. Cruise

Business: Hugh Rouse

Development/Construction: Michael O’Malley

Agriculture: Martin Gilvarry

Trade Union: Bernie Heneghan 


Climate Action,

Agriculture and

Emergency Services

Cllr B. K. Gavin (Chair)

Cllr. M. McLoughlin

Cllr D. Sheridan

Cllr T. Connolly

Cllr. S. Carey

Cllr. P. Flynn

Cllr. G. Murray

Agriculture: John G. Davitt

Environment: Sinead Moran

Business: Cliona Boland

Trade Union: Matt Farrell



Food and



Cllr. S. Weir (Chair)

Cllr. M. Kilcoyne

Cllr. J. O’Hara

Cllr. P. Flynn

Cllr. P. McNamara

Cllr. M. Loftus

Cllr. C. Hyland


Agriculture: Maria Ryan

Trade Union: Padraig Heverin

Environment: Yvonne Finn

Business:  Mags Downey Martin


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