Azure Dementia Inclusive Tours
Background to The Azure Project: The Azure project is based on a collaboration between Age & Opportunity, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, the Butler Gallery, Kilkenny, and the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) who are working toward greater inclusion of people with dementia in an Irish cultural context.
Ethos: The Azure ethos is one of inclusivity, and continued development of best practice in this regard. Its primary objective is to reduce the barriers experienced by people with dementia and their carers in accessing cultural organisations and to ensure that every aspect of their engagement with these organisations is sensitive to their needs. The health and wellbeing benefits of participation in the arts are valued by Azure as positive by-products of the main aim of increasing access by people with dementia to cultural activities.
The experience of a dementia inclusive gallery tour is quite magical. Each person has a chance to voice their opinion on the work on display in front of them, what they see, what it makes them feel is expressed.
Armchair Azure Tours are virtual tours that take place in the comfort of your own home on Zoom. Zoom is a video software that allows you to meet participants virtually. To join you will need internet access and a laptop or tablet with a camera. If you are unfamiliar with using Zoom, check these guidelines for help or you can contact Katriona Gillespie at Mayo Arts Office on 094 9064666.
If you or someone you know is living with Dementia and you would like to know more about the virtual visual art tours or would like to book onto a tour, simply contact Katriona Gillespie at Mayo County Council Arts Service at or phone 094 9064666. We will be happy to answer your questions.
This KEEP WELL campaign is brought to you with thanks to Healthy Ireland an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal.
This project takes place in collaboration with Mayo Age Friendly, Community Action on Dementia West, Healthy Ireland, Custom House Studios and Mayo Arts Venues.