Sustainable Transport and Travel
Smarter Travel Workplace
Smarter Travel Workplaces is a public awareness programme working with large employers to implement voluntary workplace travel plans. A growing number of Irish employers are engaging in Smarter Travel, working with their employees to facilitate travel choice in favour of more sustainable transport, resulting in reduced costs, enhanced employee wellbeing, better access and more effective parking management.
Mayo County Council is a Smarter Travel Workplace and take parts in many national initiatives including Bike Week, European Mobility Week and Walktober with 2019 showing our best engagement so far including 94 staff participating in Walktober up from 0 in 2018.
Sustainable Transport and Electric Vehicles
Mayo County Council procured two Electric Vans in late 2018 and installed 6 EV charge in staff carparks to enable staff to choose electric vehicles in 2019. We also have three staff bicycles to use for short journeys instead of taking the car and in September 2019 together, with LECo, we launched Irelands first Electric Community bike.
In 2019 Mayo County Council extended its Greenway Network and secured new funding to complete the Clew Bay Greenway. This will provide 80km of greenways in Mayo, the largest network in Ireland.