GMA Grants
Notice is hereby given that Mayo County Council invites applications for grants for 2021 in accordance with Section 66 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by Section 43 of the Local Government Act 2014 under the following headings:-
- Residents Associations
- Clubs/Organisations
- Festival & Events
- Burial Grounds
Funding applications will be considered for activities or projects which promote directly or indirectly the social, economic, environmental, recreational, cultural, community or sporting development of the Mayo area.
Preference will be given to projects which are community based and demonstrate that they have or can attract matching funding.
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4:30pm on Friday, 19th of February 2021.
Application Forms are available by contacting the Westport-Belmullet Municipal District Office on 094 906 4600 or or by downloading below
Westport-Belmullet M.D. GMA Funding Application Form 2021 (Word)
Westport-Belmullet M.D GMA Funding Application Form 2021 (PDF)
Padraic Walsh, Head of Westport Belmullet Municipal District
Dated this 27th January 2021