Heritage & Conservation
Welcome to the Mayo Heritage Office, which aims to promote pride, appreciation and enjoyment of all aspects of Mayo’s heritage.
The Heritage Office;
- Raisies awareness of Mayo's heritage, including through publications, seminars, talks and workshops.
- Helps communities and individuals to plan and carry out heritage projects based around their local areas.
- Provides information and advice on all aspects of heritage.
- Carries out research and collects and collates heritage data.
Under the Heritage Act (1995), heritage is defined as including the following areas:
Monuments; Archaeological Objects; Heritage Objects; Architectural Heritage; Flora; Fauna; Wildlife Habitats; Landscapes; Seascapes; Wrecks; Geology; Heritage Gardens and Parks; Inland Waterways.
A key objective is to work with the County Mayo Heritage Forum in the preparation and implementation of the County Heritage and Biodiversity Plan.
If you would like to join our mailing list to be kept informed of latest news and upcoming events, email the Heritage Office.