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Housing Services

Changes due to Covid-19

Public Notice in Respect of HAP Tenancies

In light of the COVID-19 situation and recent announcements made by Government in relation to measure being taken to combat the spread of Covid-19, HAP tenants are advised of the following information, to ensure continuity of HAP tenancies.

If a HAP tenant does not experience any change in financial circumstances as a result of the steps being taken to combat the spread of COVID-19, there should be no change to the operation of the scheme - HAP payments will continue to be made to the landlord and the tenant's differential rent will continue to be collected;

If a tenant does experience a change in financial circumstances on foot of COVID-19, those tenants should contact the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection and apply for the relevant supports here 

To offset a requirement to present in person in Local Authority offices, documentation received from DEASP should be scanned/photographed and submitted to your Local Authority as soon as possible as proof of a change in financial circumstances;

The possibility of Local Authority staffing levels being reduced may lead to delays in differential rent amounts being amended - this will not affect your HAP payment to your landlord;

Differential rent arrears that accumulate following the submission of DEASP documentation during the COVID-19 measures will be re-assessed and rectified, as appropriate, by your Local Authority in due course - this will not affect your HAP payment to your landlord.

In the interests of reducing direct contact, HAP tenants should check with their Local Authority before presenting in person to any Local Authority offices, as it might be possible to carry out your business over the phone or electronically. 

The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government ecognises the additional pressures facing both landlords and tenants in relation to the Covid-19 crisis and is working with Local Authorities and the HAP Shared Services Centre to ensure the continuation of HAP tenancies during this period.

Covid-19: HPL1 Temporary Process

Social Housing Applicants and Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan Aplicants should note that in light of the Covid-19 emergency, a temporary alternative arrangement has been put in place that will remove the need for them to have to obtain a physically completed HPL1 form from Revenue, either in person, by post, or by Revenue's online systems ROS/MyAccount.

Instead, the applicant can request that the Local Authority undertake an electronic process to obtain the information from the Revenue Commissioners. Persons who wish to avail of this option should contact their Local Authority and request that the relevant HPL1 information be obtained on their behalf by the Local Authority.

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