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Mayo Fire Service

Fire Service Charges

It is the policy of Mayo County Council to levy charges against the beneficiary of the service (not necessarily the caller) provided by the Fire Service in relation to emergency incidents which they attend. The charges are made pursuant to Section 35 (3) of the Fire services Act 1981 (as amended by the Licencing of Indoor Events Act 2003) together with the provisions of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) (No 2) Act, 1983 and the local Government Financial Provisions Act 2000. The amounts levied will be as adopted by the council from time to time. The current rates for the various incident types are as follows: 

Incident Type Rate of Charge
Domestic chimney fire €200.00
All other domestc incidents €375.00 per hour, per fire appliance
Road based incidents €500.00 per hour, per station in attendance
Commercial chimney Fire €200.00 per hour, per station in attendance
All other Commercial incidents  €500.00 per hour, per fire appliance


  1. The full charge is based on the rate per hour or part thereof with a minimum duration of 1 hour applicable to all charges.
  2. Domestic chimney fires are charged at a flat rate of €200.
  3. A Fire Appliance is a standard Class B Fire Truck.

An invoice will be issued to the beneficiary of the service (not necessarily the caller) for the appropriate charge based on the above rates after the Fire Brigade has attended and the co-operation of all persons availing of this service in paying the invoice promptly is requested. The duration of the incident is the time elapsed from when the Fire Brigade was alerted to when the unit has returned to the Fire Station and the unit is in a state of operational readiness i.e. all equipment tested, refuelled etc and in a position to respond.

Mayo County Council would like to remind all persons who may on some occasions require the attention of the Fire Brigade that they should consult with their insurance company and satisfy themselves that they have adequate insurance cover to meet all fire brigade charges as outlined above. In particular, we advise that your motor insurance policy covers all eventualities and is not limited to occasions where a casualty must be extricated from the vehicle or the vehicle goes on fire.

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