Home to Mayo Application Form
Home to Mayo, May 2022 is aimed at supporting events which encourage our Diaspora to travel home to the County during the month of May 2022. It is a competitive grant process. There is no guarantee of funding for festivals/events that achieve the minimum eligibility conditions. The fund is limited and all eligible applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis against the criteria set out in the programme guidelines:
To be considered for funding, applicants need to demonstrate the following:
- That the festival/event has created an Event with a focus on encouraging our Mayo Diaspora Home
- That the festival/event can guarantee bed nights in the county for the duration for their event
- That the festival/event will have the capability to deliver online in the event the physical event has to be downsized
Who cannot apply :
Commercial Organisations, For Profit Organisations and National Organisations
Apply directly to: Mags Connell, Diaspora Engagement Officer, Mayo County Council, The Mall, Castlebar, Co Mayo / mconnell@mayococo.ie