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Keep Well Mayo - Eating Well

Keep Well - Eating Well

It’s so important to maintain a healthy diet even though it’s cold out. Now’s the time to try some healthier recipes, why not try a vegetarian dinner once a week or make a few changes to a family favourite.

Healthy Eating information is available from the following sources:

Grow it Yourself Grow it Yourself are launching the Grow it Forward programme, which is designed to help the nation eat well by inspiring and supporting people to grow, cook and eat some of their own food at home. Participants will register through their local library to grow some of their own food with a free GIY starter kit and encouraged to ‘grow it forward’ to 9 others by passing on seeds, seedlings or produce.

Safefood's START campaign is encouraging parents to use the time they spend together as a family as a good opportunity to introduce healthy habits at home. The campaign asks parents to make the most of their family time by adding a healthy habit to their routine.

Bord Bia have a new initiative for winter that will showcase a range of easy to prepare seasonal and nutritious recipes, centered around a healthy and balanced diet. They will also highlight some top tips on getting your garden ready for Spring, an activity for all the family to enjoy together.


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