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Keep Well Mayo - Keeping in Contact

Keep Well - Keeping in Contact

It’s so important to keep connected with family, friends and the local community at this time. If you find it hard to connect with someone reach out for support. Here are some numbers and sites which can help you to get more connected.  

How do you find out what’s going on in your locality?

  • The Mayo COVID19 Community Response Forum has a dedicated helpline to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. The Covid Helpline hours are now extended and will operate from 8am to 8pm – 7 days a week.

           Phone: (094) 9064660

  • Mayo County Council’s segregates the county into four municipal districts, Ballina, ClaremorrisSwinford, Castlebar and Westport-Belmullet. We have identified all single tenancy social houses in each district, we are making a phone call to each tenant, to check-in on them and make sure they feel supported and part of the Mayo community and we are doing the same in coordination the Gardaí’s vulnerable persons lists.


It is very important that social contact is maintained with people who are isolated in their homes at this time, even if it's a friendly phone call. Even if you are not a formal volunteer, checking in via call or text with a vulnerable person in your locality can make a huge difference.

There are also a range of initiatives that people can avail of during this time:

  • ALONE is providing a telephone support line, seven days a week from 8am – 8pm, for all older people, their families, and those who are medically vulnerable. If you need any advice, reassurance or additional support call them at: 0818 222024
  • Gardaí – if you have any safety concerns, or need any essential items brought to you, contact the Gardaí, they will be more than happy to assist you or direct you to relevant services
  • Third Age Ireland have a Seniorline which is a confidential listening service for older people, with trained volunteers. Freephone 1800 804591
  • Friends of the Elderly also run a friendly call service for those who just need a chat. Its available free and nationwide. Call 01 8731855
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